Excel Reverse Geocoder 2.0 - Convert Latitude and Longitude to full Addresses directly in Excel
Our Tool is the only Excel tool that allows you to generate full Addresses for a list of Longitude and Latitudes (Geocodes)
How Does it work? Easy in 3 simple Steps
Step 1 - Paste your Geocodes (Longitudes and Latitudes) in our Tool as you would in Excel
Step 2 - Click Calculate
Step 3 - Watch as the tool generates EXACT addresses of your coordinates in an easy-to-use Excel format
How Does it Do it!
The tool combines our 15 year Development Expertise with the power of Excel and Google Maps to give you-the user up to date Addresses in an Excel-Like format.
What is needed
-Excel Installation in your computer
-The Reverse Geocoder 2.0
-Google API key (Learn more about how to get a Google API Key by Clicking Here)
How Much does it cost
-There is a one-time-fee of 50 USD. We are the only software out there that does not charge a monthly fee.
Please be aware that Google API key allows you to run 40,000 calculations every month free of charge. For anything above that, you will be charged by google @ 5 USD per 1000 request.
What do you get for the one time price of 137 USD?
- Our stat-of-the art Excel Reverse Geocoding Tool
- 1 year of upgrades at not additional charge
- 24 hour chat support (try us at the chat link below)
Still have questions? Contact us @ vinnie@excelvbamaster.com